Evaluation study on pillar “Excellent Science” published

The study emphasizes the vital role of the MSCA in enhancing human capital within research and innovation, fostering research talent, and promoting Europe's competitiveness.

The European Commission has published the Excellent Science external evaluation study which assesses the contribution of Horizon Europe to excellent science, focusing on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) as well as other parts of the Horizon Europe Pillar 1, and feeds into the broader mid-term evaluation of Horizon Europe that is currently ongoing. The study emphasizes the vital role of the MSCA in enhancing human capital within research and innovation, fostering research talent, and promoting Europe's competitiveness. The study also finds that the bottom-up structure of the MSCA is key to its success. Moreover, it highlights that the MSCA remain the leading Horizon Europe programme for promoting researcher mobility, both within and beyond the EU, while helping retain talent within Europe and facilitating the return of European researchers to their home countries.

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