MSCA and Citizens
Publicity measures in the framework of the European Researchers‘ Night.

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Publicity measures in the framework of the European Researchers‘ Night.
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MCSA and Citizens addresses the general public. Science, research and its impact on society and daily life are demonstrated in the framework of a pan-European Researchers’ Night. Additionally, the action will bring researchers and the general public closer together to increase awareness for research activities. The objectives will be implemented during the European Researchers’ Night that takes place annually, usually on the last Friday in September. The events aim to foster communication between scientists and the general public and to demonstrate the impact of research on society and daily life. The dedicated events cover a broad range of activities, such as exhibitions, hands-on experiments, science shows, simulations, debates, games, competitions and quizzes.
Any institution located in a Member State or Associated Country may apply to participate in the European Researchers’ Night on the scheduled date (usually the last Friday in September) with an event covering research and innovation activities.
Selected institutions receive a lump sum to the costs incurred for the event itself, its preparation and its follow-up activities. Priority is given to events that also demonstrate commitment (as regards content and funding) in a supra-regional and cross-border context.
Any institution from a Member State or Associated Country wishing to participate with an event in the European Researchers’ Night may apply. Researchers funded by Horizon Europe or previous Framework Programmes should be involved in the preparation and implementation of the event and get in contact with the general public to promote research and scientific professions. Usually, the application comprises events for two successive Researchers’ Nights; it is, however, also possible to apply for one Researchers’ Night only.