Doctoral Networks (DN)
Doctoral training within a network of European institutions.

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Doctoral training within a network of European institutions.
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The objective of Doctoral Networks (DN) is the structured training of highly skilled doctoral candidates in excellent research projects.
The participating institutions should come from different sectors. The proposals should feature intersectoral and interdisciplinary training and excellent supervision arrangements.
Participation requirements: A Doctoral Network must be composed of at least three partners (beneficiaries) from three different Member States or Associated Countries, of which at least one partner is from a Member State of the European Union. Once the minimum participation requirement has been fulfilled, other organisations – also from Third Countries - may join the consortium.
Each beneficiary is obliged to recruit at least one doctoral candidate.
Associated partners complement the consortium and the training of the doctoral candidates but do not employ doctoral candidates themselves.
The doctoral candidates have to be enrolled in a doctoral programme.
Funding is calculated on the number of eligible person months in the form of unit costs. A maximum of 540 person months per consortium may be requested. No more than 40% of the total EU contribution may be allocated to institutions from the same country or a single international organisation.
Proposals are evaluated in eight different scientific panels. The appropriate panel is indicated by the applicants in their proposal.
Proposals submitted to the previous call of MSCA Doctoral Networks under Horizon Europe and having received a score of less than 80% must not be resubmitted the following year.